Saturday 12 November 2011

If u are Having Dandruf problem! ******

Dandruff is a scalp problem very common and very embarrassing. the flaking accompanying dandruff is caused by something called seborrheic dermatitis, sometimes just called seborhoea.

Quick Tips:

  • Apply the lemon juice on scalp before half and hour of washing them. After washing the hairs with slightly warm water, The Dandruf will stop falling off and hairs will also Become shiny.

  • Mix 2 tea spoon pure vinegar and 6  teaspoons water and apply it on scalp before going to bed. Tie a towel arround the head.Wash your Head next Morning. After shampooing rinse again with vinegar water. Treat your hair like this once a week

  • Take two cup water, add 4-5 teaspoon dried thyme and boil for 10 mins. Cool, Strain, and use The mixture to massage scalp. Keep for half an hour
  • Massage scalp with almond Oil. Dip a towel in boiling water and wrap it arround hairs.repeat it thrice or four times when the towel gets cold.
  • Try not to scratch scalp to prevent blisters, which may cause secondary infection.

  • Preperation of two parts lime, two times each orange.Then Rub the head of lime on the surface of the head as evenly massage.Let stand about 30 mins. And then rinse the hairs untill completely clean. if you do this this on a regular basis omce a week, the dandruf will not always stay on the scalp.

  • Avoid stress although it is not a direct cause, stress can cause immune deficiency to over come dandruf.

  • Avoid the use of hair oil, gel , Hair sprays as it cause a excessive growth of skin fungi.

  • Mix one Tsp lemon juice with two spoon vinegarand massage on the scalp wash hairs with egg shampoo

  • Keep your skin health with vitamin B rich food such as Egg yolk,nuts,seeds and dark green vegetables.

  • Use Antidandruff shampooo on the daily basiss.

  • Mix coconut oil and lemon juice in a 2:1 and one egg yolk. Prepare this Mixture Freshly Before Applying it in night with gentle fingers movements. Wash the hairs with warm water in the morning. This will also have fasts results in removing dandruff and will alson make your hair shiny and healtly.

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